supervisor leaving for a year


Hi all,
I am seeing my supervisor this afternoon (soon), and it is our last meeting before she leaves for a year. That's going to be my third year. I am currently stuck in slow-moving fieldwork and way behind schedule. I have no other supervisors. My current funding will run out end of this academic year, I am hoping to get some new funding for after.

Any suggestions for what I should look out for in that meeting? Such as, should I try to nail her down to a commitment of so-and-so many e-mails per month or something? I find it very hard to imagine the coming year and have been living in a state of denial. Now, I just can't think of anything I should be saying in this meeting. Any ideas very welcome!



if i were you, i would definitely try and set some form of commitment, if only to help motivate you and give yourself mini deadlines to stick to (ie. you need to have some progress to report on each time you email). however, i wouldn't make too definite a plan as you may need to be flexible over this, but some form of contact at least once a month is probably a good idea.