synopsis of my main topic of study/specialisation


Hi guys,

I'm applying for Summer School and one of the documents that I have to send is synopsis of my main topic of study. I would be very grateful if someone can tell me what should it included? Does it mean a study plan (with all courses that I attended) or it is a brief description of what exactly I study? But if it is the second one, I already described it in the motivation letter.
Thank you in advance for your help :-)


I would think it is option two but in more depth. Therefore I think you should include your methodological approach, if you are interested in particular methods, your theoretical framework etc. I'm not sure what stage you're at but I would structure it along the lines of a research proposal. I wouldn't give a literature review per se but I would include writers or papers that have influenced you, or perhaps on which you are structuring your research design. If it's a competitive process of application (and many summer schools are) you have to demonstrate how much you think what they are offering will benefit you, and what you might contribute to the school. Headings I would include:

Overall topic description
Influencing literature/authors
[proposed] methodology or methodology progress thus far
area you see your PhD contributing to

Good luck