Thanks Guys


Hi to everyone who replied to my last post.

I'm glad I joined up to this forum, you have all confirmed that I am not alone, and it is very nice to see that there are other part time, self funding mature (nuts) PhD students out there!!

Hey Caramel, thanks for the advice about the post grad adviser, unfortunately my supervisor is that advisor!!

Hey Mumbler, haven't tried Fennell seeds but thanks for the tip.

Hey Joyce, thanks for the book recommendations.

Hey Trishatops, wow how the heck do you manage to be a new mum and a PhD student?? that's amazing!!

Another question to everyone on the forum, does your university post annoying write ups about the (usually extremely young) bright stars in their depts who are getting novels published, fellowships and fully funded research scholarships, on their web site or is it just that mine likes to torture their older self funding plebs like me?? whilst taking our money and ignoring us most of the time??

not bitter, promise, it's just a thought.


course they do! But I think it is partly because they are mostly full time and therefore on campus and easy to grab for this kind of thing:-)