The CV and PhD


Hey everyone,

I am currently doing my masters degree (postgrad) in Communications and I really want to carry on studying for a PhD...there is no other option :) ok heres my problem: all my friends will be having "normal" jobs and working in the industry (media and so on) so they are constantly (to my mind) doing internships, working in the media industry as freelancers, you name it..
I am a bit worried now, thinking: I am doing nothing for my future there anything you should do in order to boost your chances of being accepted as a phd-student? You can't really do an internship in the summer at some uni, can you?
I am working as a tutor for a professor, mostly doing administrative stuff, photcopying, correcting essays..

Thanks for replies :)


Hi Jacob
I'd say working for a professor is a good start, and should help get you names or contacts. It might be worth speaking to academics on your course to see if anyone needs an RA over the summer so you can do some actual research.


Hi Jacob
You can always do something in addition to your degrees, I've just come back from 2 CV courses and the truth is terrifying....basically, if you're applying for something, having the basic requirements is taken as a given and they look to see what else you've got! Working with a professor is a good start as Teek says, but if there is any particular field you are interested in, I'd try and get some practical experience in that area so something similar. Anything that you feel will teach you extra skills that you can use to your advantage and perhaps give you an edge another student might not have. Also, if there is a particular supervisor you would like to have for your PhD then find out what his research interests are and tr and do something similar to that, might make him like you more! Cynical I know, but it's worth a chance!


Thanks for the helpful replies guys :) !