Upgrade viva


Hi everyone,

I have my upgrade viva tomorrow, and basically I am having a panic! I submitted my upgrade report (~12000 words) just over a week ago, and the feedback has been pretty good in terms of the level and style of my writing, structure, content etc. However, my supervisors seem to have a pretty laid back attitude to bureaucracy, and basically think the whole procedure is a waste of my time when i could be getting on with my 'real' PhD work.

That's all well and good, and they have already told me I will be continuing to my second year, but I am now having a mini panic about the viva tomorrow. Obviously my supervisors will not be there, and it has suddenly hit me that the person doing my viva will probably take it more seriously than my supervisors do!

So, basically I am asking - how much of a big deal is this viva?! How long should I expect it to last? I do know my work inside out, so hopefully it shouldn't be too much of a disaster, but I think my supervisors may have lulled me into a false sense of security and maybe I should have done a bit more preparation.....!

Thanks x


Hi check my upgrade ballons thread, i replied to your q there....


thankyou! xx and congrats again xx