Urgent! I Need Help!


I got a MPhil degree (UK) in finance three years ago, and transferred to a PhD programme, but finally I dropped from PhD due to personal reason. But now I want to pursue a PHD degree. But I'm not located in the UK, so I want to find a distance learning or online PHD programme. By the way, I have written some chapters of the PhD thesis already. I only want to spend no more than one year to finish. Is it possible for any university to enroll me? I need your HELP URGENTLY! Thanks


The best (and probably only) answer really is to ask a few and find out.


You mean to ask individual universities to find out?


Pretty much. Cuts to the chase and can't see what else you can do.


As far as I understand it you have to make a declaration that the work you submit at PhD level was not used as part of any other degree. So you can't use your MPhil stuff for your PhD, if that's what you intend to do


If I remember correctly, I didn't submit any thing when I did my MPhil, except some courses, like literature review, research methodology, etc. The chapteres I finished is the extended MPhil, is it not allowed?


As far as I understand it no. If you used chapters for your MPhil, you have to *massively* revise them if you wish to submit them as part of a PhD. they must look totally different.


hallo everybody!! i am really interested in doing phd in UK (finance), now i'm lookin 4 the university which i can be related to my research field (finance) together with suggested supervisor... any one can help me!!!


any suggestion, please email me / yahoo messanger: shah_z81@yahoo.com , thank u..