What an unfriendly place this forum has become


Has anyone noticed how unfriendly this forum has become? I say this from looking back over some posts of people who are having trouble with their PhDs or thinking of quitting or maybe asking what appears to be a silly question.

It just seems to be the case that when people make a post asking for advice there are always a few users on this site ready be judge. They tend not to be very supportive or offer any kind of constructive advice. It strikes me that there are a number of users of this site who need to grow up, lighten up and realise that just because their PhDs is going well, other people can go throguh a very sh**ty time with their PhDs and they just need to be a little bit more understanding.


Yes I have noticed! I feel like I have been attacked on several occasions when I tried to make positive comments...

These days I mostly just have a quick look through threads, as the majority seem to be a big ol' source of doom and gloom - not something I need more of on a daily basis!!!


I agree. It's really sad. I think some people take the forum really seriously and get upset about posts when really they should just ignore them. Generally though I really like this forum and have had lots of lovely advice.


Totally agree. There's a lot of snapping lately (occasionally from me, I must admit). I might count to 5 before responding in future.


hmm, although I have not noticed that, if there are such replies, they are not polite..


I've noticed it too. I think it's all to easy to forget that whilst you might not understand a person's worries or concerns, you can't dismiss them, because they might not understand yours. We are all affected by different areas of our academic careers and anyone seeking advice or querying something has every right to do so.


Hmmm...it is quite a nasty place on here. One would almost think people didn't have anything better to do but post antagonistic comments.

Intellectually mature, but emotionally immature, springs to mind.


Can't say I've noticed much snapping, or 'nastiness' to be honest. There's a hardcore of posters that don't suffer fools gladly, if thats what you mean.


Without being overly catty myself...I think the 'hardcore' of posters are very thoughtless and quite sad. We all remember the time when we didn't have a clue where to start. I cringe when I think of the questions I asked people in the beginning!

The more insecure members of these boards need to stop taking joy in tearing other people down, I say, and show they've got better things to do.


We can leave all the 'Find me a fully funded.." posts to you then?


Golfpro, there maybe some messages you don't entirely agree with but if that's the case, why not ignore it instead of feeling you have to answer? Someone else may feel it's a perfectly valid query etc. and answer instead. Just a thought.


Don't you think referring people to Google in such circumstances is the most appropriate answer?


I'd say don't answer if it bothers you that much.


I gathered.


Perhaps all the hardcore members can quit the forum and leave it so its just a wasteland of "PLEAZE GET ME PHD AND FUNDIN" and "Ooh, poor you, I feel your pain, lets group hug".

The hardcore members are what keep this board real. If they left it would resemble genuine PhD-dom in the way Star Wars resembles the life of real astronauts.