What constitutes 'research costs' on a grant application?


I am looking to apply for a small research grant to conduct some research abroad summer 2014. On the grants application page it states:

"The grant should contribute towards actual research costs and not include institutional overheads, applicant’s stipend or publication costs"

My question is: What would constitute as actual research costs? And, what would be seen more as a stipend?

For example, would funding flight and accommodation costs be research costs? or are those more stipend type costs?



Hello palpalpal

I should not be replying to your post as I am not qualified for it. Someone experienced here might give a better advice.

Meanwhile, I would suggest you may include whatever costs you can think of and the funding agency would itself do better to include or exclude it rather than leaving it out yourself. Specially so, if your travel and accommodation is not being funded by the host institute. Just a thought.


Seems to mean equipment and travel, not paying lab hire/electric, staff or journal submissions.

Stipend means someone's pay, so I would say travel would be included if you needed to get to the Amazon to do some research, but you couldn't pay your staff their salary from this grant.