What is a successful project for you?


I’m writing my master thesis about how significantly a successful project differs in various cultures and my target audience is people who take part in any type of projects. For me to draw some conclusions I need quantitative data, therefore, I ask you to fill the survey shown below.

I would really appreciate your input!

Here you can find the survey: https://successfulproject.typeform.com/to/K6mLAy


I had a look at this, Kristine, but I'm not sure if you want to hear about PhD projects, or if it is aimed more at industry? I was just a little confused as it asks about teams and so on. If it's ok to answer about a solo PhD project, I will complete it.


I would love to know your personal experience and opinion about project management and your idea of a successful project. You may assume that you are a solo project team and indicate "others" in the field where you need to state your industry sector. Thanks and have a nice day!