What is in M Phil?


Hello Guys,

Please advice what is usually in M Phil? Is it the set course work? (I mean certian credit hours) Is it the research only? How to identify M Phil is complete?
In general, Is there a checklist to make sure that you are getting into a right PhD program? What to look for?

I would really appreciate your reponse?


Whenever you start a PhD program in the UK you are initially registered as MPhil and this is simply the first section of PhD study, it is completely normal. At the end of your first year or the start of your second year you have to produce a report on what you have done during that time regarding your project. You then normally have to have a viva where you get asked about your research area, your work to date and future directions for the project. If you have made satisfactory progress then you are upgraded to PhD, then you carry on to finish your research. In the event that you have done little work, don't know your subject or if the examiners don't deem your work suitable for PhD then you can be asked to write up the work in a smaller thesis and at this point you would be awarded an MPhil.



In light of your earlier post regarding this. Generally it doesn't matter if you have an MA, MSc, MChem, MEng these wouldn't bypass the initial MPhil period of a PhD in the UK. The replies on that thread did answer your question but here you go. You seem to want to be able to label the MPhil as a seperate entity from the PhD, and so for this reason consider the MPhil the period where you prove yourself capable of working on your own and planning experiments, and have a chance to develop your research skills, learn new techniques and research your specific thesis area to enable you to complete the PhD.. something that a taught masters program would not necessarily cover.