What's up doc? new blog for PhD students


======= Date Modified 09 May 2011 10:15:42 =======
What’s up doc? is the successor of GRADBritain.

It is a forum for postgraduate researchers to exchange ideas on all aspects of being a postgraduate researcher and especially personal, professional and career development into.

What we need now is postgraduate researchers to contribute by posting well written posts on the experience of being a doctoral researcher, that invite discussion.

We are running an interactive training day in Birmingham on 12 May. Apart from learning what makes a good blog post, we will also explore how to increase your online profile and how to network effectively.

Places are limited, to apply, PGRs should post an example of a post onto www.vitae.ac.uk/whatsupdoc between 25 March and 25 April and send an email outlining why you want to be involved, what you would do to champion ‘What’s up doc?’ and what discipline your research is in to tennie.videler@vitae.ac.uk, before 25 April. We will select applicants for the training day based on this and reimburse reasonable travel expenses.

To post on the blog, register on the Vitae website, go to the ‘dashboard’ in the top left hand of the screen, choose ‘my discussion articles’, post your article to 'What'sup doc?' and press go.



As there are still some places available you can still come! Post an article to What's up doc? today and send me an email at tennie.videler@vitae.ac.uk to say why you want to come to be considered. We will reimburse reasonable travel expenses.

Look forward to maybe seeing some of you there!


Last month's PGR Tips was about how to write a good blog post: http://www.vitae.ac.uk/researchers/4069/PGR-Tips-email-bulletin.html. hope this is useful!