What work will you be doing over the four day weekend? :)


Immense guilt hangs over any thoughts I have about savouring the four day Easter weekend that everyone I know in regular jobs are now enjoying... I only started my PhD two weeks ago, and I'm lurching into action very slowly. It seems I've completely forgotten how to read closely and absorb dense texts (I presume I'm not alone in these early stages?)

So what PhD work will you be allowing yourself over the weekend? Some quiet reading with your feet up? Or are any hardcore lab folks going to be sneaking into campus this weekend to squeeze a few hours in?


I had a chapter due in yesterday and it is only half done. So I will aim to get it done by Wednesday - working all weekend and begging sups for forgiveness next week :(


I'm planning to write two symposium abstracts, finish reading a book about preparing for your viva and then actually start preparing for the viva instead of thinking about doing it. It's lovely and quiet everywhere round here, ideal for working, so I suppose I'd better get on with it!


I have a deadline for the second week of term and am quite behind but I'm not planning to work through this weekend except minimally. I won't put the PhD above important time with my family plus various church commitments wouldn't allow me to work through. Generally I don't work weekends though so it's 2 days different rather than 4!


I vited for nothing sweet nothing, but might end up doing some work on th grounds that my boyfriend has an assignment to do, the friend who was supposed to be visiting had to cancel, I'm not religious, not seeing the family, and the TV has decided not to work properly!


im going to read some papers and do some writing


I am doing RA-ship work, designing a draft brochure for an upcoming conference, proofreading 3 dozen abstracts, trying to figure out if I can also do some work on an upgrade document that I intend(ed) submitting as a draft to my sup on the 20th, plus working out bills and finances.

And, Easter? What Easter?


I have had a couple of unplanned days off recently so I did a half day this morning. Then Monday morning I'm meeting with a family who are partipating in my study.

Saturday and Sunday I'm seeing my friends and family who I haven't seen since christmas so no work then.


I had my thesis bound yesterday to submit next Wed so I'm not going to do any work over the holiday. We'll take our 3 year-old to some kiddy-paradise park if it stops raining on Sunday. Visit friends tomorrow. Gardening. Then it's back to business - writing papers, looking for jobs, preparing for the viva....


Papers to be rewritten and a new area of investigation to be done (why oh why did I say the revision would be ready for next Tuesday???). Thank God for some Neurosis to get me thro' ... think the vid of Locust Star is indicative of our collective plights . Taking tonight and tomorrow off.

Happy weekend anyways and good luck to anyone on the finishing straight. 8-)


I'm away from my paid job for two weeks, one advantage of working in a school!:$ however I have a meeting with my supervisor two weeks into next term and I want to get the two chapters I've started in some kind of order, and get a bit done on some others. He forgets I'm part time and have ages before anything else has to go before the board, so that will be my main job this holiday. BUT.. one of the teachers has asked if I will prepare a practical revision class for them for when we get back, which involves looking through all the stuff they have done, working out what I can set up for them, writing out the lists of what we will need to get out writing the worksheets, etc. etc. :-( AND the librarian told me last week that they would really like it if some staff to take home some library books and did a reveiw of them, so I have four books to read too (two down two to go, one really good, the other a bit rubbishy, not sure quite how to word that one) so apart from eating easter egg 'yum' and making lasagne for Sunday dinner - special request of youngest daughter who gave up pasta for lent and really missed it I will be working


I'm working on my proposal. If I don't finish by the end of the month, I risk delaying defense by a year. My supervisor is going away for a big chunk of the summer. How convenient!