Where to put the methods chapter?


Does anyone know if it's sacreligious to have a methods chapter of a phd as an appendix?

I've currently got my methodology chapter in the third of a seven chapter thesis. However, it's quite a personal methods chapter and doesn't seem to fit where it is. It's a social sciences/ humanities PhD.

Thank you


My supervisor got away with doing this, but I'm not sure if a lesser mortal could do it! (he had already got an international reputation before he even did his PhD) My method chapter will also occupy the third spot, I can't see it fitting anywhere else, it is quite unconventional in its own way, but then so is the rest of the thesis really.


I've been told by my supervisors not to put anything into the appendix that is essential. So that rules out putting methodology in there. The reasoning was that examiners often view reading appendices as optional. So if you put something fundamental in there they might refuse to read it, and then moan.


======= Date Modified 26 Mar 2009 10:02:17 =======
============= Edited by a Moderator =============
I would agree with the first responder. Does not your school have a standard requirement/format for the document?


I know where I'd like to put my methods chapter ;-)

Mines in third place, I have safety supervisors who have urged me to go for the pass and don't do anything flamboyant...annoying but ultimately good advice I fear!!