Which PhD to do and when to apply


Hi, I am currently looking for a PhD and after I (hopefully) finish that I would like to work in the pharmaceutical industry. I am doing a BSc in Pharmacology at the moment so what kind of topics should I be looking to do my PHd in or does it not matter as long as I have one? Also, I have a 6 month placement as part of my degree starting in February, would it be best to apply for 2007 PhDs so that I would be able to write about my research project in my application, as I don't have any other lab experience? Thanks for your help


Topic wise choose something that really inspires and motivates you - that is most important factor as you'll be working on the project for at least three years!

If you are applying straight from Uni you won't be expected to have loads of lab experience. If you are keen to start straight after completing your first degree then go for Sept/Oct 2006 entry.

Good luck!