will i get on fine??


Hey! I am an average student but really really interested to do a Phd. Is it a good idea to do a Phd still? Will i be able to get thru if i work hard?


If you can get into a PhD programme, then I would probably say you would be able to do it. However, I think it really depends on the area too. Some social science PhDs are probably considerably easier than say a PhD in mathematics.


Quote From chococake:

If you can get into a PhD programme, then I would probably say you would be able to do it. However, I think it really depends on the area too. Some social science PhDs are probably considerably easier than say a PhD in mathematics.

Heeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy - I'm sure if I were a mathematican (sp??) that a maths-PhD would be pimps ;-).

It's all relative I feel but I do agree with chococake that if you are successful with a PhD application then you should be able to complete. That said it can be difficult to get accepted if your marks are not tip-top. Perhaps if you have work experience of your field it will help but if you're relying on what you call your average marks you will have to do a really good proposal just to get it reviewed and considered.


Quote From ady:

Heeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy - I'm sure if I were a mathematican (sp??) that a maths-PhD would be pimps ;-).

I'm in social sciences too ;)