World University Rankings


Hi Guys,

Does university ranking matters to you when selecting
a uni for your PhD?

I've got an admission offer for PhD from a university that ranks
20-30 in full-time with 6 coursework and another offer from a university that only ranks 300-350 but given an advance standing and a good supervisor.

Any advice pls...


World ranking are not normally a big concern in the UK.


go with the good supervisor. forget about ranking.


Or try and get the best of both worlds .


I agree with Lara. If you get selected in a uni with a higher ranking but bad supervisor you will be in deep trouble. Many Phd students drop out just because of something that their supervisor said.
On the other hand selecting a uni with a lower ranking but good supervisor will greatly improve your chances.

In the end it will not matter as you will be refered to as a 'Dr'.



Thanks a lot. Actually, I've been
thinking about this for almost two months and
still yet to decide. It really makes me feel good to
hear such an advice.

Would appreciate for more advice..please


Another advice - don't think about irrelevant things for two months or more. Your PhD success will, partly, depend on your ability to make quick decisions.