your supervision session


what do you all cover in your supervision sessions? Do you discuss progress etc????? How often do you all meet? What is meant to be the aim of supervision sessions. It seesm i only meet up with the supervisor to see her for the sake of seeing her.


Probably depends what field you're in. Once every 2 weeks we discuss analytical results, any instrument problems, any new methods to try, and ideas for collobrations with other groups within the faculty. It's a social occasion with coffee and biscuits, and usually lasts around 2 hours.


I meet my supervisors every month to six weeks, mine last anything between an hour to two hours, though I have some contact with them in between. At the end of each meeting we agree action for the next meeting, and at that next meeting we discuss progress. I find the meetings useful for bouncing off ideas, discussing the direction I am going in and receiving feedback. The university requires that I keep notes of the meetings, just to check I am receiving the necessary support.


wow! I have a five min "chuck ideas around" every 3 weeks and a 1 hr meeting every 6 months and I was even told this may be too much! I asked for more meetings but it never happens