PhD interview presentation - advice please!


I have a PhD interview for a studentship. The interview will commence with a 10 minute presentation on my proposal. This is too short to go over the whole proposal so how should I focus the research? I was thinking of stepping away from the proposal and picking out the salient points but this will skate over the literature search. What do you think?


Without knowing what subject it's a bit difficult to advise, but if you were a social scientist I'd suggest concentrating on giving a short background (why the topic matters) then spell out the research question and say something about what theoretical and/or methodological approach you intend to take. The lit review would be the bit I would skate over.


Thanks - that is really helpful. It is education within a legal context.

In preparing I have spotted a couple of weaknesses within the proposal. I thought I would highlight them in the presentation to demonstrate my critical reflection - what do you think?


hi mummy17,
may I suggest that you don't talk about the "couple of weaknesses" that you spotted although you have very good intentions :-)

From my experience, people who have been very honest during interview (both phd AND job) and have spoken about "weaknesses" have lower chances of securing the phd (or job). I am one of them. I have since learnt from that mistake.

Now my perogative is not being dishonest--but rather do not say anything that will put me in a bad light--in other words--say something positive OR keep my mouth shut :-)

So maybe you should highlight more what your research will find, and what benefit it will have. Remember to post back and let us know how you did :-)

best of luck :-)
love satchi