AHRC maze



I have been offered a PhD place but now need to find the funding.

I have browsed through this site:


but cannot find the relevant form that I need to submit and do I submit the completed form through the university concerned or do I submit it to the AHRC themselves.

Many thanks because I can't seem to get a straight answer from anyone to these two questions.



Is this funding for 2014 ? I would imagine its too late for this year now. Perhaps give the AHRC a call to clarify if your university are not sure - good luck !


Hello psychresearcher

Many thanks for your message.

Yes, it will be for 2014.

The university seems to be in the dark itself! I think I will contact the AHRC again and push them until I get a satisfactory answer!

Thanks again for your reply.



No-one can tell you because the results of the block grant partnership bids for PhD studentships from 2014 onwards aren't out yet. So the university doesn't know whether it will have any studentships in your area yet. They will advertise what funding they have and invite applications probably in Spring 2014. The AHRC doesn't decide who gets funding, it's the universities with the block grant funding who choose. Basically all you can do is wait until the universities know whether they do or don't have funding and then apply when it's advertised.