Changed my mind after accepting the unconditional offer


In April, I told them I accept their offer for the PhD programme and obviously they did not take anyone else in that place. I was going to be self funded. Now I learned that another school has decided to give me a full scholarship and the amount is huge since I am an international student. I really want to accept the scholarship and enrol in the other school, it is most logical thing to do financially although the first school might think it is t rude and unethical since it might be a bit late to take someone else (August). Do you think I will be in trouble?


No. You can always make up your mind. They don't care about being rude not answering to prospective applicants and staff like that, so go with the funded one and tell them you got a better offer. You have to make your own interest, not their...they don't even pay you


hi there, if you have another offer and you really like the other PhD, the choice is yours whether to take or not :-) Have you signed anything? Don't worry because if you don't take the first one, they can always get other students, the world is full applicants...(for love, food, phd, job etc)

love satchi


Take the funded.


Hi Sollinatri, I think you should take the funded offer. As an international student too, it's hard being without funds. Do what is best for your situation.

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Quote From sollinatri:
In April, I told them I accept their offer for the PhD programme and obviously they did not take anyone else in that place. I was going to be self funded. Now I learned that another school has decided to give me a full scholarship and the amount is huge since I am an international student. I really want to accept the scholarship and enrol in the other school, it is most logical thing to do financially although the first school might think it is t rude and unethical since it might be a bit late to take someone else (August). Do you think I will be in trouble?

This really is a no brainer, unless the unfunded PhD is really what you want to do take the other funded position. Even the people offering the unfunded position will understand your reasons.



Follow the funding. The other uni will offer your place to someone else.


You won't get in any trouble, once you've decided you should tell them in good time, and they will be fine. Accept the money and good luck.