ESRC funding in 2nd year?


I was too late for the esrc deadlines when I decided to apply for my PhD and so had to apply for departmental funding for my first year. Has anyone applied for ESRC funding once they have been a year or so into their PhD? Is the process the same as you would apply in the first instance?


hi mokey,
congrats on getting the departmental funding! i applied for esrc during my first year, but didn't get it. a colleague of mine who is now in her third year did get it after applying during her first year. the process is the same, and you will be in competition with all those who are applying before they start. if you cannot make a good case you will only ever get two years of funding, your second and third. for that reason your department is not very likely to give you a quota place, but might support your application in the open competition.
best talk to your department right away, as it is them that will have to get all the formalities sorted in any case! some departments have regulations that they won't support applications from first year students so better check!