Funding for "joint" subjects, and securing funding with a 2:2? (music, sociology, social science, politics)


OK, so I have a PhD idea.

I don't want to give the game away too much, but let's say that it falls within the broad parameters of music in society, with a healthy dose of politics.

I am willing and ready to approach prospective supervisors - I know of at least 2 who may be suitable - but my major issue is, of course, funding.

I have a 2:2 in BA Sociology (Hons) (don't ask about the grade, I was far too lazy. Without blowing my own trumpet, I could've walked away with a 1st. Ahh, youth, etc.), and a MA (merit) in a politics-related subject.

However, since I have a 2:2 in the subject most relevant to my prospective PhD, would this hold me back in any way in regards to securing funding? I handled a full-time 1-year MA alongside full-time paid employment, and got 65%, so I _am_ made of the right stuff, I just think my BA looks poor on paper, it may come back to haunt me.

Anyway, my main point is who to approach for funding. My intended research crosses several academic disciplines. My first thought was to look into funding for music-based PhDs, but there seems to be a strong bias towards musical composition and performance, which has nothing to do with my idea. As this is essentially a sociology/social science and (peripherally) politics subject, I have looked into funding for the social sciences, but there of course appears to be a bias towards non-music related research (I was expecting this, it's pretty obvious).

I have faith in my idea, I've been assured that it's pretty strong (it's essentially a much more in-depth progression on my ill-fated BA dissertation), and with a lot of blood, sweat and tears I _know_ I can take it to where I want it to be. I'm experiencing dead-ends when it comes to looking into suitable funding opportunities, though (added to my 2:2 - don't get me wrong, I'm not ashamed of it, I just fear being lost under the pile of 2:1 and 1st class candidates).

I'm willing to scrimp, save, work part time, the whole she-bang, but without funding of at least £3,500 per year (i.e. my fees), I couldn't go ahead with it. I'm currently working in retail but I'm reluctant to enter a "proper" graduate career because of the obvious time-management issues.

Has anyone here had a similar experience?, i.e. having to secure funding from more than one research council?

Thanks for any help and tips you can give me - and good luck to you all in your current/future PhD quests!


Have you considered AHRC funding? They fund music PhDs, including apparently ones that fall under the remit "Music and Society", so not just performance. See