Funding in Scotland


Hi there,
I have just started an MSc. in Psychology in Scotland and I am currently looking for PhD funding.
I will only be in Scotland 3 years in October 2009 which excludes all Research Councils and I am German (so no oversea-student funding either). I have run out of ideas where to look and what to look for?
Any suggestion would be very much appreciated.
Many thanks!


The Carnegie Trust provides funding to graduates of Scottish universities which can be a good alternative to research council funding. You may not qualify for it, but check it out to be sure. See


... thanks for that, but I graduated in Germany. Any other suggestions?


...yes, but if you graduate with your MSc you will be a graduate of a Scottish University!!! I am not sure how these things work, but that may be good enough to at least get conditional funding for a future PhD, i.e. conditional on graduating with the MSc


Afraid that Masters graduation probably won't count as qualification for the Carnegie Trust PhD funding: the website states first degree needs to be Scottish, not a subsequent one. Oh dear. Hope you find something somewhere else.


Funding in Scotland is the body in Scotland that distributes funding from the Scottish Government to the country's colleges and universities. It was set up by the Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 2005, and was established on October 3, 2005 when the Scottish Further Education Funding Council and the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council merged.
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