Interview - Portfolio Request


Hi all, I am a prospective PhD student that has applied to a number of universities, so far I have received 2 rejections from my 2nd and 3rd choice. I had a panel interview with my ist choice university (red brick) to undertake a PhD in transport intelligence 3 weeks ago. It is a multi-disciplinary funded PhD and I am undertaking it from a computer based background. Each member of the panel is an expert in their fields.

The interview went OK (stuttered a little bit sometimes and was nervous ha ha but answered all their questions) as I prepared a great deal for it and brought along a portfolio of work with me. In addition I also asked them a lot of questions. they also really liked my proposal. However, they said that they wanted to see my portfolio of work (MSc project etc) at a later date, therefore I sent them an electronic copy a few days after. In addition they had to add a second round of applicants as there were simply not enough in the first batch (I'm from the 1st). I wonder if they prioritise based on the 1st batch but apparently I have a feeling they will wait for the second batch of interviews to be finished.

Since its been three weeks I would just like to know my chances??, and how long does it usually take in the process to make a decision?? Anybody have any experiences of time scales and stuff??

I have everything riding on this one and will have to wait another year before I can try again.

Peace and Love X

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Not too sure about your chances, although if they added a second round of applicants, it could be they spotted some really good applications. Also, you are probably up against loads of competition - I know in my department all the MScs are asking about PhDs as an opportunity to get out of the job market for a few years, while getting paid.


Hmm, I guess I will just have to keep my chin up, although the administrator mentioned that the post was actually advertised again because there wern't many applicants, you might be right about the internal ones, although I dont know if it works that way at this uni, but knowing my luck it does lol. Its such a tedious length of time, just wish I would know one way or the other so I can move on. Thanks for the reply sneaks.

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======= Date Modified 25 Aug 2009 15:57:55 =======
a lot of unis have someone they have already lined up for the role - but as they are doing a second round of interviews, it does suggest that they haven't found what they were looking for in the first - but who knows! I say good luck - keep applying everywhere and see what happens! It could be a boring admin requirement to interview X number of people.


Yeah, it happened also in my department where I did my MSc. There was a possiblity of me being the one to acquire a studentship via Knowledge transfer partnership through my supervisor and an organisation, however as you can tell that fell through. Apparently there are 3-5 studentships available at my first choice university so even if someone is lined up a couple may still go via the traditional external applications. Still keeping my fingers crossed, Sneaks, are you funded? how did you acquire your studentship? Could you tell me a little about it?


I cant believe it but I got the studentship woo hoo. Just had a message this morning, very excited to start and with reference to all the other potential PhD candidates it is possible for a northerner to get funding he he. Good luck to everyone trying to get a funded PhD position.

Peace and Love X