Some good advices


i am a PhD student in microbiology in my conutry and i wolud like to continue my studies in Europe somewhere, in something related with what i am doing now. I started my search, sending my. Some advices for me? about site-s, universities? i am new here and i will read with interes all you post in this site, i found it very usefull.



Hi Catalina, welcome to PGF. I think you've missed some of the words in your thread out, so I can't quite make out what you're trying to ask. I presume that you're already doing a PhD but want to transfer to a uni in Europe to continue doing your PhD. I'm not an expert but I would imagine that that is a very complicated process. What country are you in? Have you told your supervisor that you wish to transfer? Is funding not an issue? I'm not aware of any websites that will help you with all the issues involved in transferring your PhD from one country to another.