

Hey all,

I just wanted to know if you guy were to be in the situation where you have been offered a studentship in research area A but somehow deep down you know it is now what you really want to do. What will you guys do? Accept the offer and learn to like the area? Hope to be offered another studentship which no one knows when it will be coming. Any other suggestions?




This exact thing happened to me last year - in fact, I posted about it on this site as I was looking for similar advice! In the end, I turned down the studentship I was offered as I knew deep down it wasn't for me and I would be very unhappy doing it for 3 years. A few weeks later I was lucky enough to then apply for and be granted an RA job with the same institute (but a different location) which allowed me to gain some experience in that area. During this period, a separate funding bid I had put in was successfully funded so I'm starting my ideal PhD in September.

So from my experience, it all worked out fine in the end - but at the time, turning down the initial studentship was a huge gamble as I had no idea whether these other opportunities would manifest. I guess I'd have to say to go with your gut feeling (whatever that may be) like I did and hope that whatever you choose pays off!


Hey thanks for your reply. But saying no will be a very big gamble at the moment. Been working around for a year before finally being offered a studentship. Just worried nothing comes up for another year or so.


That's a tough one. It depends on how you weigh things up. Have you any interest in the subject as it's tough to do it in a subject you have very little interest in as it'll take over your life and you'll be submerged in it! Is it similar enough to what you want to do to incorporate some of your topic into the project? How much flexibility is there in the project - some people get loosely defined projects whereas others get more detailed ones with more structure.

How often do PhDs get offered in your field? Is it worth the wait even though you may not get your ideal PhD?

Good luck with your decision.