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Phd job prospects

Ender, Certainly I agree that its no surprise most of the views on the net are negative as people are much more likely to post something if they want to complain - not to mention all the trolling that goes on! Also I agree with everything you say about having the Phd and the job market etc.

However, I don't think the views of Greenspun fall into this category - he actually has a phd! Also, he is a millionaire who has created some successful startups and I believe he still does some teaching at MIT from time-to-time. When people just have a rant about phds I understand that really they're just letting off steam, but when I hear a well structured argument like Greenspun's it really does make me second guess my desire to do research as I agree that its better to enjoy what I do than work just for the salary - but research can get pretty boring and repetitive at times too!

Phd job prospects

Thanks for the replies it has really helped.

You see the info here is actually quite encouraging and makes me want to go for it but then I read things like this blog from phillip greenspun - http://philip.greenspun.com/careers/women-in-science - and think hmm, maybe he has a point!

Phd job prospects


I'm currently considering whether to accept a Phd offer in the complexity sciences versus accepting a consultancy job.

I love science, research, and really enjoyed my MRes however there is a nagging fear about all the negativity that seems so be swirling round the internet on job prospects in research, particularly in academia.

I just wondered how things looked from the perceptive of people that are going through the phd process.

In addition to general thoughts, I would like to know specifically:

1. Are you confident that there are enough jobs in academia/research that getting a job related to Phd isn't just a crap shoot (as I've heard it described)?

2. do you know of anyone that has completed their Phd and gone on to research or academic work?

3. Do you have much freedom to pursue your own research interests?

4. How many hours do you estimate that you work (by that I don't mean 'work-mode' where you are trying to get things done but get distracted or procrastinate but hours actually working on the Phd or related academic work)?

5. How flexible are working hours (I realise there's a huge range of Phds e.g. web lab rotations probably take away a lot of flexibility but I'm interested in getting a broad idea of what phd life is like)?

Much appreciated,


Phd Job prospects


I'm currently considering whether to accept a Phd offer in the complexity sciences versus accepting a consultancy job.

I love science, research, and really enjoyed my MRes however there is a nagging fear about all the negativity that seems so be swirling round the internet on job prospects in research, particularly in academia.

I just wondered how things looked from the perceptive of people that have gone through the phd process and taken the next step.

In addition to general thoughts, I would like to know specifically:

1. how much if any time did you spend unemployed after the Phd?

2. how many post-docs or short term jobs you have done?

3. How confident you are of getting fulfilling full-time work in research?



Do all Universities in the UK offer distinction?

No, some unis don't, I know this I'm studying for Masters by research at the University of Central Lancashire and there is only a pass/fail grade.

Environmental Masters that begin in January - March

As I say in the thread, I've tried finamasters.com and their information is frequently wrong about the start date.

Environmental Masters that begin in January - March

thats a good point - thanks
- if anyone knows of any others then that would be good.

Environmental Masters that begin in January - March


I am looking for part-time masters that begin in 2009 for environmental science. I have just begin a post-graduate job with an energy company in envrionmental science and they have agreed to part fund me to do a masters part-time.

However, I realise most courses start sept/oct. and so I need to find an Energy and Environment Masters that begins in the next few months and can't find any. I have tried www.findamasters.com. And, including churning up false results, they have been useless.

I wondered if anyone knew of any masters beginnning that fit the the above criteria.

Thank you.

Starting at Oxford

Hi All,

Don't worry, don't worry this is NOT another post about whether I should go to Oxbridge for my PhD just for the prestige - I have already made my decision to go and study Systems Biology - go Systems woo.

Just wandered if there were anyone with insider info that could give me some info on accommodation - i.e. typically speaking, how expensive is it each month, any tips about the best areas to stat, also would it be worth giving Halls a whirl

Any help much appreciated - Cheers

p.s. anyone looking for flatmates or someone to share with for the next academic year at Oxford then - you know - having me around means you will be down with all the cool kids in systems biology - you can't ask for much more than that really.