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intellectual property rights

Quote From UKPhDStudent:
Just my point of view and I am not expert on this topic:

1. No, he cannot. Not ethical either. The person whose original idea is being experimented with should be included in the publication.

2- No, not by default. The thesis should explicitly mention this.

3- Could not completely understand your question. If the laboratory supervisor, is also your PhD supervisor, you cannot and must not leave him out. The supervisors are there not only for supervision and advice but also to get a blessing. Inclusion of name of a senior person will add value to your paper.

4- No, they normally should not and I think normally people don't do that.

5- Yes, but do cite the source of data.

Hope this helps.

Answer to 4" Can anyone of the members of the committee of a PhD theses use data of the former doctoral student’ PhD thesis, without mentioning that it has gotten out of his PhD theses? "
My ex superivisor did that!!! and my name is nowhere!!! I noticed that by chance and when i asked him he told me that he had the right to do what ever he wants....

Answer to 3. I am now in another lab now, as a post doc.
We had a review paper in which we included a figure from my thesis, without analyzed or even concentrate the paper to this figure, since it is very common. This figure was included in one of the 10+ topics discussed in this review. Should the authors include the supervisor of my ex-laboratory, as author or could just declare the laboratory and the name of my ex- supervisor to the acknowledgments, where they could thank him personally, as well as his laboratory? (my ex supervisor has not contributed in writing of the review).

When i had the argument about the stolen data(see answer 4), he accused me that i had showed lack of respect for my previous lab and that i had did worse than his actions.

intellectual property rights

Dear all

I would like to ask you a few questions regarding the intellectual property of a PhD thesis and other aspects of those rights
1. Can a partner who contributed with some measurements in his laboratory ( e.g. analysis) under a partnership/collaboration with a university, under a research project, publish those results only by himself as one author , or with other co -authors ( unconnected with the old partnership/ collaboration ) just because he “had made those measurements”, without indicating anywhere the university cooperation or the people who had this cooperation?
2. When someone has a PhD thesis fulfilled, is his work is copyrighted safe?
3. In a review paper, it is usually analyzed what happens in one area of a research during recent years.
In a review paper, the authors used a single measurement ( a graphic ), as an example, without analyzed or even concentrate the paper to this figure, since it is very common. This figure was included in one of the 10+ topics discussed in this review.
Should the authors include the supervisor of the laboratory, as author or could just declare the laboratory and the name of the supervisor to the acknowledgments, where they could thank him personally, as well as his laboratory? (The supervisor has not contributed in writing of the review).
4. Can anyone of the members of the committee of a PhD theses use data of the former doctoral student’ PhD thesis, without mentioning that it has gotten out of his PhD theses?
5. Can a researcher make use of data at a conference, that has been already being presented in another conference (poster) with other/different co-authors;
Thanks in advance for your answer