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PhD - Which uni?

Thanks for your reply. Yea I have identified a specific area within the realm of pharmacy which I would like to research, and corresponding supervisiors at the universities mentioned...all of whom appear to have work that is appealing. Just finding it a little harder to find out what life is actually like at each of the unis unfortunately, which might make it a little easier to narrow my choices.
thanks again

PhD - Which uni?

Hi everyone!
I'm looking for a PhD course (in pharmacy) at the moment...obviously the actual PhD topic is a big consideration but was wondering if there are any PhD students (from any degree) who could recommend universities - it's hard to gague from their websites the types of facilities offered to postgrads (eg social/sports), and what life as a postgrad is like.
At the mo I'm looking at Bath uni, Cardiff uni and maybe Queen's in Belfast, but am open to suggestions! If you know anything about the pharmacy supervisors at any of those unis it would be a bonus, but I would really like to know about life in general as a postgrad in those unis.