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Grad Students - How typical is it for your supervisor to re-write your work?

I did confirm whether this would be fine. He told me that it's the way in early stages and he will give me a lot of support as I have never published before... in order that I gain the tools for doing a PhD. I just felt my work morphed into his work and that is what worries me!

Grad Students - How typical is it for your supervisor to re-write your work?

Uh-oh, now I'm feeling worried. What's the right way to handle this...? At this point it's hard to tell whether my sup is similar to your one in that he hates anything that deviates from his particular style!

Grad Students - How typical is it for your supervisor to re-write your work?

I mean edit your proposal so heavily to the point it's re-worded/structured completely differently to what was orginally written (although the ideas are pretty much the same). I feel a bit deflated as I was told that my writing style is good.

Has anyone else experienced this, should I be worried if I go on to do a PhD with the same supervisor?