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Poor communication with supervisor

Hi, I'm having a few difficulties communicating openly with my supervisor about my ideas. This is happening I believe, as a consequence of a couple of things I have experienced in our supervision sessions.

1. His initial request that we meet every other day to discuss any findings I have (which subsequently was changed to every week after I told him that I needed more time).
2. His abruptness and speed in pointing out my 'wrongs' during any supervision sessions and in emails - which means that I often appear passive & impaired in communicating my points (as I fear of being shot down very early on).
3. His claim that some of his students are 'stupid'.
4. His very hands on approach to directing my research which then suddenly switches to a request of full blown independence.
5. His constant editing of my work very very early on which means that I often wonder if I am doing the PhD or if he is.
6. His suggestion that I change my thesis topic and asking me to quickly make up my mind over whether I want to do this.

Does anyone have any advice on how to handle such a situation? It's really worrying me and I don't know how to change the dynamic of our communication. I mean if I am more assertive surely I am likely to make more mistakes (which of course is very important in the learning process). Although he has prompted me to take on more of an active role, the fact he calls some of his students stupid means that I am very anxious (I have imposter syndrome enough!). Help anyone?