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How to complain about a PhD suervisor?

Rather than create further angst for yourself and get yourself into a psychological state that incapacitates your ability to complete your research, why don't you change supervisors. I suggest doing a general search of available supervisors and meet with those who have similar research interest as your own. Prepare for this meeting by developing a set of discreet questions that will give you an indication of their working style. I would also suggest that you discreetly share that the current relationship is no longer meeting your research needs - be very diplomatic! Don't get into the situation where you do bad mouth your existing supervisor. Also,ask other candidates about their recommendations. Once you make a good match and the prospective supervisor agrees to supervise you, then follow due process to change supervisors. This way you will ensure you have the level of support you need to get you through the rest of your research and you are not wasting energy, time etc being consumed by an untenable situation.