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PhD regrets ...

Dalmation has said it all. The academia is a battle field that require less of our physical strength but more of our cereberal capabilities.

PhD regrets ...

Hi people! Running a PhD programme on any field
is indeed, an up-hill task that requires tenacity because it's the height of
scholarship. There is no way one will not regret a decision to quit a PhD
programme. In as much as every individual may have some compelling reasons for
quitting, the negative consequences for quitting will always outweigh the
positive. Other than financial difficulties and lack of time to continue on
account of one's job, I will not advise anyone to quit a PhD programme already
started. Such a decision will never worth the while. The stress/trauma that
comes with it constitutes part of the academic discipline and refinement one
must undergo to join the League of PhD holders. PhD degree is a vision for every
scholarly-minded person. Please, don't quit. Persevere! The benefits for
enduring and achieving it are enormous.