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Summer before PhD / PhD preperation

Thanks for the replies, both of you. Seems like everyone I suggesting a PhD is lots of hard work for 4 years and that maybe enjoying yourself before might not be a bad idea lol.

Summer before PhD / PhD preperation

Hello everyone,

I have just been accepted for a PhD at the Royal Vet college (London) and like most others I start in October. I am curious to know what everyone else is/has done the summer before their PhD. Do you prepare with extensive reading of journals? Learn a few techniques? or just enjoy your last 'long summer' before 3/4 years of being tied to a lab bench/desk/library/computer?

I have many current PhD friends and their views have varied wildly from 'go enjoy' and 'honestly, I felt preparation will be a waste of time' to opposing 'get in and read as much as you can'!

Clearly there is some middle ground, let me know your experiences/thoughts.


p.s. its a 4 year funded PhD in parasitology so getting a job for future funding personally is not a problem.