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How has your PhD changed you?

This is me! It is so evil of me to take a small amount of pleasure in knowing someone out there feels my pain. It is such a drag sometimes, though! I mean, come on, current climate and all (in the UK at least) leads me to wonder what the point is?!

I have been at uni for 8 years. I'm in the 3rd year of a PhD that on bad days I feel like no one but me finds interesting. Friends are getting married, having relationships, settling down, doing new things, BEING ABLE TO AFFORD NEW SOCKS! I do the same set of repetitive tasks every day. I teach the same dull-witted students every week. I see the same people. I am in the same city. AH! Brain explode now...

And at the end, what do you get? Debt? Signing-on for unemployment benefit? You feel at the same time massively older and more stressed out than some of your friends, yet also immature and lacking life experience somehow.

It's just madness.

Hmmm....not doing well with the positive ways bit of your question here, hey?!

Who's doing the weirdest PhD?

I got told my PhD was trendy the other day. It definitely can't be weird then, right?!