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Am I not good for a PhD? I am totally depressed.

Guys.. Happy news..!! My university, which is another Russell Group university, has offered me a place. Though I haven't received an official letter yet, my professor sent me a mail saying they have decided to offer a place, and that I should work "harder and more constructively." Well, this is definitely a great piece of news..! (up) :-) (up)
Thanks a ton everyone, for hearing me out and for pepping me up.. :-) Special thanks to Bewildered, Stressed and Keenbean.. mmmuuuuaaaahh..
Now I'm gonna work with my dissertation with more confidence and a smile.. Thanks guys for all the help..

Am I not good for a PhD? I am totally depressed.

@ Bewildered: You were right, I got the first rejection today from a Russell Group University. The mail also said that their eligibility criteria is a Pass with Merit. This was for PhD. I had applied to six universities. I had applied for MPhil in other places, but this place I applied for PhD directly. :-(

One RG University told me initially that for MPhil, "you will be registered provisionally in the first instance and transfer to full registration during the first year subject to evidence of satisfactory progress." I don't know what this means. Does this mean I stand a chance? I have applied here too..

Am I not good for a PhD? I am totally depressed.

@ Stressed, Baltar and Keenbean: Many many thanks for the encouraging words. Can't thank you enough. Unfortunately, I never discussed my personal problems with my referees. My dissertation supervisor had an idea ('coz, I had to give him a hint on that while asking an extended submission date for an essay.) He wrote a reasonably ok ref letter. The other ref letter from my HoD was a real real terrible one. Had he told me that he can't write a strong letter, I'd have checked with other people. He told me that he will be happy to help me and kind of backstabbed me. It was my fault too, that I didn't tell him about my personal situation. The reference letters are already gone to the universities, the damage has been done. Yesterday I realised that I didn't want to apply to one particular university, and so opened the ref letters for that university. Thats how I came to know the content of the letters.

I resigned my job and all my savings were invested upon my studies. I had to convince my parents. And then, in between the studies, I had to go back to my country, coz my wife filed for a divorce. My plans were to do MA, then a PhD, and then go back. I'm very very scared about an MPhil offer now. Now I don't know how will I go back with a certificate which just says PASS. Some say that I will get it coz its self-funded. But with the kinda ref letters and my marks, I doubt that very much. I'm waiting for a reply from the six UK univs I applied. I will keep you all posted. Have a great day everyone. And once again, thanks a lot for talking to me.

Am I not good for a PhD? I am totally depressed.

Dear guys,

After an MBA, I spent 5 years in the work place, and then chose to study further. The field I chose was philosophy (I was just too interested in this field and my graduation was not on Philo) and I did an MA from a good UK university. I just got a pass. just 52% - This was because, I had a very severe personal crisis and got a divorce after enrolling for MA. I have applied for MPhil I got one real terrible reference letter, and another average reference letter while applying for MPhil. My research proposal was appreciated by my tutor, and am planning to do a self-funded program.

The poor ref letter, and the marks have just broken me completely. I'm too depressed at the moment, and don't know what to do. I curse myself for not being able to perform well. My whole enthusiasm is gone and I feel like I'm a dumb idiot. Is there a chance for me getting into MPhil?