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HELP...MSc or PGDip?

Hi All

Sorry for late reply...assignments grr!! Thank you for all your advice. It was very helpful.

I have discussed my concerns with my tutor and we both think the best option is for me to continue to study for the MSc but to switch my studies to part time. This way I can gain some work experience in the public health field over the summer and complete the final module and dissertation this time next year, while also remaining part-time employed.

While I won't get to graduate with my friends, I think it will be worth it in the long run.


HELP...MSc or PGDip?


I am currently a full-time MSc student at the University of Bristol. While I am enjoying my course content I am working 3 days p/w to afford it. I just about keeping up at Uni with pretty much zero social life!

I am extremely unhappy with my life and finances at the moment and I know I do not want a career in research or to complete a PhD. I have 0% motivation to complete a dissertation in the Spring and Summer at the moment. If I do not complete a dissertation (saving £2000) and switch to a Post Grad Diploma it would enable me to finish the course in April and get my life back on track.

Is a PGDip seen as a failed masters dissertation? I would like to work on public health projects for the NHS after this course and several of the jobs say either MSc or PGDip? However my partner is moving to either the USA or Oz in 18 months, how would a PGDip be viewed in these countries?

Sorry so many questions...I am just very stressed!