Overview of heatherb

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Psychology... what to do?!

Thanks for getting back to me - wow sounds like you were in a very similar position to myself in a lot of ways! Yes, I do think that I'd be more suited to the academic side of psychology and I do love clinical psychology so it might make sense to do this route as apposed to the DClinPsy. I'm currently doing a big research project with work which is NICE funded - and although forensic is interesting I'm much more interested in the wider clinical population (not just those who've landed up in high secure services). I think I'll have a look round for funded PhD's as I'm not in a position to fund even more training for myself. I'm aware the competition is pretty stiff, but as my supervisor was a consultant clinical psychology throughout my third and fourth years, together with working with the clinical director on my current project I might be in with at least a smidge of a chance!

Can I ask what you're doing your PhD in topic-wise? The whole 'chapters' thing throws me a little, so I'm unsure what I'd actually be doing on a daily basis in terms of the PhD. I'm guessing there would be some demonstrator work with Ugrad students if the PhD was attached to a University (as the ones I've looked at are, all bar one NHS based one).

Anyway, nice to speak to someone who's been in a similar position as myself... it can be very confusing making all of these important career-based decisions, particularly when you're talking about the next three years (and also with the current state of affairs in the NHS I'm sure a funded PhD will be a 'safer' place to be than continually hunting RA, AP posts!)

Heather :)

Psychology... what to do?!

First time I've been on the forum, so first of all hi :-)

Basically I graduated in 2008 with a 1st in Psychology and just about completed an MSc in research methods. Currently I'm working as a research assistant in a high secure psychiatric hospital.

I'm in a bit of a dilemma regarding where to go next. I've always fancied the idea of a PhD and get on pretty well with research in the sense I enjoy doing it and tend to get the job done however the prospect of hunting for a PhD is daunting me slightly. Prior to seriously considering a PhD I imagined myself going down the clinical psychology path, but the more I think about a PhD the more it appeals to me and the job prospects after completion.

I'd just like some advice really about the PhD process. I think I'm just a bit bamboozled about the application process and where to start!
