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To do a PHD pr not?

Thanks for all the responses... I like my research topic and everything but the fear of regretting doing this after that I'm done makes me wonder I should do it or not... I know I'm not a quieter and I work hard once I've started something... Financially, I know I will be fully funded but it will be more about $1500-3000 per month depending which scholarships I would be able to get (I was nominated for some scholarships during my masters). The funding would be fine somewhat but nothing compared to what I actually get paid now... I know my PHD may or may not give a business idea but I know also at the stage that I'm right now at work I won't be able to come up with any ideas since I don't have deep knowledge or skills in something specific; plus is my work area is not my true passion.... Thanks

To do a PHD pr not?

So you think there is no way that someone could come up with business idea in the field of their research during their PHD hey! I also to know more and be an expert in my field but on the other hand I'm thinking I will be broke by the end of my studies. Do you guys face financial issues. Do you think PHD pays off though?

To do a PHD pr not?

Would MBA give me a business idea though? Most of people who do MBA at our company they still do what they did before and it seems more like a title to have rather than gaining any fresh ideas. My issue is that I am comfortable at work so I don't bother thinking out side of the box and I'm just going to continue at the company and not taking any risks.

To do a PHD pr not?

My masters is in Combustion modeling more on Mechanical side. I am really interested in this topic. I am more like a thermofluids type guy but even at work I do more solid mechanics work which I don’t mind because I am practicing something different. My issue with MBA is that you still need to work for some big corporate and I know my company will support it since other people are doing MBA on part time basis. When I say my own business I am thinking more in technical world such as designing, manufacturing and consulting. I am afraid that I am looking to PHD in a naïve way but what I’m hoping it will give me time to come up with an idea because my work is too busy that I don’t get a chance to think about it plus once you get comfortable at a position they move you so can’t focus on one thing for long. I am scared once I finish my PHD I realize I was wrong all this long and here I go I am 31 and I have to start from scratch. So I am hoping to get some other opinions on this.

To do a PHD pr not?

I hope your opinions will help me with the situation I am in right now. I am currently working for an Oil company with a fairly decent job and doing my masters part time in Engineering. It has been about 2.5 years since I started my job. I have changed positions already as well. I always thought I'm not a PHD type guy and it won't help me in future but it seems my ideas are changing a little. Now I'm getting concerned to become just a corporate type guy who goes to work everyday with coffee in his hand and do routine and come back home at the end of day. I always wanted to have my own business and do well financially. One thing I have realized is that I'm getting comfortable at work and don't have time or any new ideas to start my own business. I feel like my work is limiting me. After attending a conference couple of weeks ago, I started to think I should do full time PHD and quiet my job. I thought maybe doing a PHD will help me to come up with ideas that will help me starting my business after that I'm done. If I do my PHD I will be taking a major cut in my salary for few years and be almost 31 by the time I'm done my PHD. These days at work I'm really busy but I think so what I'm just like any other corporate guy and at the end I will be just someone like my supervisor . I have both business and research capability but I can't decide whether or not doing a PHD is a good or terrible idea. Can you please share your thoughts. Thanks