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Is there chance to incprporate into bioinformatics after PhD?

Thanks HazyJane.
Basically You have backed-up my plan "B" - I'm going to send applications for some time, and than, if unsuccessful, focus on “junior programmer” positions in order to gain more experience in coding.

Is there chance to incprporate into bioinformatics after PhD?

Thanks for post, HazyJane. Where have You had experience with that?

I'd totally consider MSc/MRes. But isn't there any other way? Sequencer technician posts exists?

My interest in that: it's biology related, tehnology driven, close to patient, gives opportunity to produce real-life impact on medicine and enhance quality of life (great motivator for me), the field is totally on the rise. I can spend 8h daily developing pipelines and algorithms and start over the next day. I like numbers.

Is there chance to incprporate into bioinformatics after PhD?

Long story short: I've end up with MSc and PhD (which included microbiology, surface engineering, nanomedicine, image treatment, microfluidics and so on and so forth…) and THEN I’ve “discovered” bioinformatics. I would like to challenge and try to go for it. Very. Much.

Most job/postdoc offers require master or PhD with bioinformatics, computer science, computational biology, experience with next-generation sequencing etc... And, obviously, I have no demonstrable proof of doing anything similar. So now what?
Demand for bioinformatics is huge. Despite that, this is my second month of sending CVs (currently 95 of them) for any job/post-doc related with bioinformatics AND something I’ve did. And nothin’.

I’m really considering even technician positions, as this would open access to companies/people/marked. But nothin’.

Would You, please, share some ideas, how to “requalify”? Especially towards something as trendy as bioinfo? I will appreciate all suggestions and pieces of advice.