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Phd Application

But for instance, if the potential supervisor is funded by an ERC grant and is looking for a graduate student, that means the starting date could be whenever, isn't it?

Delaying the starting date for one year is not an option I'm considering right now... is there any chance I could do my master's project (between October 2014 and January 2015) with a potential supervisor and then continue doing the phd?

Phd Application

I am currently studying a Masters, which I will finish by January, 2015. But I've seen that the deadline for applications for funded PhDs starting in October 2014 is in January/February 2014.

So the question is, should I apply during this period (now)? Can I start in January 2015 if I got admitted? Or it might be better to contact the professor I would like to work with? Outside the application period, is there another way of funding my research project? I mean, even if you don't get a scholarship now, the potential supervisors themselves can fund your project?