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Where to do a PhD??

Hi All,

I am a new user of this forum. Currently, I am working as research assistant at the Australian National Univeristy. I have completed Honours (with first-class) and in 2010 I am wanting to apply for PhD. However I am very confused as to how I hould go about it.

Firstly, I was not quite clear on the field of research I wanted to choose. Now that I feel strongly in pursuing research in Cancer therapy, I think it has become too late in the year to contact lab heads for a Phd position. Then I have standing offer from my current lab (where I did my Honours and now working as research assistant) for a Phd. However, the field of research here (early mammalian development) is not my first preference. It is interesting , but still not my first preference. Nevertheless, a PhD in this lab will benefit me in terms of the research experience as I will get to learn a lot of new techniques.

On the other hand, my parents have been insisting that I should look for PhD oppurtunities elsewhere in the world, such as US, UK, etc. So I checked it out: US takes 6 years + involves sitting GMAT (if I stay in AUS, I do not have to do GMAT and I'll be done with my PhD in 3-4 years). UK is one option that I have not tried, however I am not sure about the quallity of life.

As you may have noticed, I have severe apprehensions about this whole process. Can somebody please guide me!!!
