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Postdoc exemption for graduated more than 5 years

Thank you very much for your suggestions. I am a university lecturer after graduation. However, a divorce and heavy financial pressure affected my academic trajectory. Being a scientist is my life-time goal, however, as you suggested, I may need to do something different before returning to science.

Postdoc exemption for graduated more than 5 years

Hi, I have an question need your suggestions.

I recently received a postdoc offer from a prof which I needed it a lot. However when the offer was passed to the school, the school requests me to provide an exemption applicaton to explain why I was warrant a postdoc appointment 6 years after receiving my PHD. It said that I must meet the criteria of having "unusual circumstances" that affected my usual academic trajectory..

Has anyone encountered this situation before? I would like to know what kind of "unusual circumstances" is ok for me to get the postdoc exemption?

Any suggestions is more than welcomed!

Thank you very much
