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Applying for a PhD and scared...

Hey all,

thanks for the responses, kind of what I was hoping and expecting but it's always good to hear from people who have been through this. I've been looking around a lot more and though I haven't found anything else, I guess I'll keep trying. More importantly, I spoke to my supervisor who told me that even if I didn't get the competive funding, he'd be happy to help me secure some more funding! Even if I dont get anything this time round, there's always the next year, and I'll be even better prepared!!!

Doctor_love, I hope all goes well with your application!

Happy new year!


Applying for a PhD and scared...

I'm applying for a PhD in neuroscience, one of these competitive studentship ones (BBSRC). The project sounds great and the lab really productive and cutting edge. I've been up to visit and they all were really friendly and great. However, it's now coming up to short-listing time and I'm beginning to worry that I shouldn't be putting all my eggs in one basket kind of thing!

I've got a 2(i) and a masters in neuroscience. I've also had 2 years work experience as an RA and I've been published and presented at an international conference but I worry if my 2(i) is going to let me down. Should I be applying to more projects, even if I'm not as keen on them? And what's the likelihood of me being able to secure funding from other sources for this current project if I don't get the studentship? And what's that noise under my bed?!?

Any words of reassurance or alternatively a big slap in the face from reality would be much appreciated!
