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PhD from same institution as undergrad?

Thank you so much for the replies of advice - really appreciated and all makes a lot of sense! My other concern is that it is two very different projects in different areas of research - I'm finding it really hard to seperate the pro's and con's of the each of them as they are both projects that really interest me. What I'm wondering is how pigeon-holed you might become by the project of your PhD? i.e. say I took one of them is the likelyhood of my later being able to do something in the other field quite slim? Thanks again for your advice!

PhD from same institution as undergrad?

Hi, I'm looking for some advice! I've been offered two PhDs - one of them at my old institution, one at a new one. I was wondering if it looks better, once having completed a PhD, for it to be from somewhere different from your undergrad? Also, one is industry funded whereas the other is a scholarship - is there more weight to either of these? Thank you!