Overview of jorgegdiaz

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I'm competitive for studentships?

I don`t think age is a matter. It`s actually more a problem of having experience in the field and having published ;-)
Best luck !

PhD in Japan

... anyone?

WANT TO BUY A PHD. ( Have done lots of research and need it evaluated)

www.aiu.edu (not accredited ... did I have to clarify?)
www.universidaddelavida.com (if you want it in EspaNol...) 8-)

PhD in Japan

Any of you guys have experience with going to Japan and doing a Doctorate in Engineering?
I'd like input as of I'm thonking about it.

What fisrt, school or project?


Supervisors and sabbaticals

Unless she`s going to Afghanistan, GMAIL works magnificently well everywhere.
My M Sc supervisor was (is) Muslim. Every year we had a slowdown in work b/c he was fastenning, but he managed to get some work done. Converserly he kind of expected us to work during Xmas...

What fisrt, school or project?

I want to start my PhD in about 1 - 2 years in Mechanical or materials Engineering. Well, what I`d really want to do is an Eng D. but I won`t be elegible for funding, so no point in going there.
I have been working for about 2 years, after I got my masters (US MSc) both in the US and South America.
I have been looking at several school and departments (UK, Spain, Brazil, New Zeland) as well as reading what people recommend in this forum (very useful by the way, thanks a lot for putting off you work to ilustrate others). However, I have a few questions:
What do you find first, school/program or a project? I see a few programs that interest me but there is no funding for projects or if there is, it`s for projects that do not interest me 100%.
How do schol/profesors award studenships, does one have to be accepted /enrolled first, then apply while at first semester? It was that case when I did my master`s, but that was in the US, and I had a rainny-day fund for that. I don`t have $ now.
Thanks for you unsolicited wisdom ...