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Transfer to MS to a different uni from phd program

I am a Phd student and I am feeling really low right now. As far as my uni is concerned they don't let the phd students transfer to a MS program. So what should I do? I don't want to just quit phd. So I was thinking may be I should transfer to a MS program to a different uni. Is that feasible. I mean will my courses/credits be transferred there. Here, the courses are for phd program. So if I transfer to MS will that be transferrable. Further how should I approach a different university.

I will have to go through the whole process of TOEFL and all? Does that really make sense?

Dropping out of Phd

I am currently a phd student. However, I don't think that I will be able to continue Phd. First I have other responsibilities and moreover I don't think I will be able to Phd because it might make me overqualified and I won't be able to get decent job. My university has this policy that they don't let students transfer to MS program unless a genuine reason is given. I wanted to know if this is just to intimidate students who join phd program just for funding or seriously.

I had this great enthusiasm when I joined the phd program. But now I am starting to lose it and I think that MS program will be much better for me. So, I was wondering if I could transfer to MS. What should I do? Is it possible for me to transfer to MS program in my current uni or I can apply to other uni if my current uni doesn't let me transfer to MS program