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Question: Inquiry about Computational Chemistry, Biophysics, etc. masters degrees?

I have just had my BSc in Computer Science and I am looking to inquire about which field I should pursue in completing my masters degree. My graduation project was related to protein docking. I analyzed different approaches to improve the performance of scoring functions by using different techniques such as machine learning. I also implemented some scoring functions like X-Score and RF-Score. I have experience in using programs like Vina, AutoDock and Open Babel. I also implemented a simple molecular viewer. I have a good amount of knowledge in the field of structure-based drug design. So I am looking for some advice on which field would accept me as a masters students though I graduated from computer science. Any recommendation would help. Examples of approaches I am looking to get into are Computational Chemistry, Biophysics… What would be the most suitable for me to complete a masters degree and which is better as a career option? Any advice will be appreciated.