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Graduate wants to do a PhD

Dear all,

This is my first time writing on this forum. I hope that I can find some helpful advice regarding applying for a PhD in cardiovascular research. I have been through some tough times due to personal problems in the past during my undergraduate through to my postgraduate education and this caused me to be unsure about the direction I really want to take in terms of career choice. After getting some help with my problems, I'am considering going on to study for PhD. This has been on my mind since I have so far been unsuccessful in finding any employment to help gain experience in research. I believe the reason to be my qualifications - a high 2.2 and a mere pass for a masters which I gained this year. This is a problem for me as most institutions which I would like to apply to state that they want a 1st or a good 2.1 in BSc. I have thought about emailing the institutions to ask if they would consider me, but their response would most likely be that they place priority on those who meet the academic requirements. It might be possible that one of institutions might consider me seriously but more highly that it would be unlikely. What should I do? Is there anyone that had the same problem? Any helpful information would be welcome!!