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two weeks into the 2nd year of PhD and not sure I can continue...

Hi everyone. I only just started my second year in a PhD program and already feel completely anxious and overwhelmed. I am now teaching on top of a full course load, preparing for qualifying exams, conferences, and other projects I'm pursuing. While on the one hand, I love my work and feel fortunate to have such a supportive supervisor and other faculty mentors, on the other, I wonder what's at stake in terms of my overall well being. I've lost my appetite, I can't sleep, I worry constantly about my obligations to my students and to my own research and writing. Furthermore, I am experiencing so much guilt due to my lack of availability to family and friends. Finding some sort of balance to this all is taking a toll--one I'm not so sure I'm prepared for. However, I have this nagging fear that if I quit, I will always regret it. So, ultimately, my question: is it worth it to potentially compromise mental/emotional/physical health along with friend and familial relationships because of work that truly inspires and motivates you?